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Crystal Wonderland

Crystal Wonderland Zodiac Crystal Set Virgo


♍️ Crystal Wonderland Zodiac Crystal Set Virgo ♍️ 

Each Zodiac sign has a natural affinity with certain crystals and stones, and this combinations can generate a powerful and magical exchange of energies.

This set has been created to balance support and empower the unique energy of each sign, it makes the perfect gift for all crystal  and zodiac entusiastics. 

4 Zodiac Guide Cards with lots of information about each zodiac sing.

Card 1:  Affirmation Display Card for Virgo ♍️ 

Card 2: Name, Date of Calendar, Star Sign Icon and Star Constellation, Meaning, Star Name, Chakras, Element, Summary, Birthstones

Card 3: Mindfulness Practices & Activities for Virgo ♍️ 

Card 4: Signs for Virgo Symbol, Running Planet, House Rulled, Element, Lucky Numbers, Keyword, Colour, Polarity, Herb.

Zodiac Crystal Set Contents:

♍️ Selenite Charging Plate Engraved with Name, Symbol, Element & Constellation 8cm x 8cm 

♍️ Tumbled Stones Set of 4

♍️ Crystal Card for Tumbled Stones 

♍️ Zodiac Crystal Beads Bracelet 4 Crystals 

♍️ Clear Quartz Chips Bracelet

♍️ Clear Quartz Pendulun

♍️ Zodiac Sign Symbowl Printed Velvet Bag

♍️ 4 Zodiac Guide Cards

♍️ Gift Box





Crystal Wonderland Zodiac Crystal Set Virgo
