Crystal Wonderland
White Sage Pure Essential Oil 10ml
White Sage Pure Essential Oil 10ml
100% pure distilled essential oil
Some uses are:
- General tonic and inflammation fighter, white sage essential oil is cooling and may be beneficial in reducing fever and in calming the body’s systems.
- In the spiritual realm, white sage is used ceremonially for cleansing and purifying spaces. It is believed in some traditions to have its own very potent energy or vibration, which is able not only to clear negative energy but also to attract positive energy.
- White sage can be infused into oils to make massage oils, ointments, body butters, salves, lip balms, spray’s ect.
- Commonly used to wash crystals and other items that have attached energy’s.
Perfumery Note: Middle
Odor: Pungent, sharp, dry, camphoraceous, bitter-herbaceous
Strength of Initial Aroma: Strong
Blends Well With: Juniper oil; florals like geranium oil, lavender oil, jasmine oil and neroli oil; lemon oil, bergamot oil and other citrus oils; wood oils such as frankincense oil, cedarwood oil and sandalwood oil.

White Sage Pure Essential Oil 10ml